Healthy Vegetable Thai Tum Yum Soup

The Thai soup with the intriguing flavour of lemon grass.

Preparation time: 15 minutes.Cooking time: 10 minutes.Serves 6.

6 tea cups clear vegetable stock

1 green chilli, cut lengthwise

10 to 15 canned mushrooms, sliced

10 to 12 cauliflower florets (parboiled)

1 tablespoon roughly chopped lemon grass

2 pinches Ajinomoto powder (optional)

1 teaspoon lemon juice

2 to 3 drops oil

salt to taste


1. put the stock to boil.

2. Add the green chilli, mushrooms, cauliflower, lemon grass, Ajinomoto and salt and boil for 2 to 3 minutes.

3. Add the lemon juice and top with oil.

  • Checkout my other healthy unique food recipes in below link:

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