My Little Garden - List of plants which helps in purifying the air at home naturally!

Gardening is considered as one of the most powerful stress buster therapy. It enhances the looks of the house and spreads positivity. Happiness is growing our own delicious harvests and serving it on our dining table. We can be sure that it is organically grown if we harvest it. It gives great pleasure and happiness to watch it growing day by day. 

It always feels good to accomplish new tasks, and if you can grow a garden, what can’t you do?

Gardening is good for our heart, reduces stress, can make you happy, can improve your hand strength and can boost vitamin D.

We can educate our kids on gardening and tell them the importance of it. We can engage and encourage our children in gardening. Including gardening and watering plants in our children's daily routine can help them connect with nature. 

There are few plants which can be used to purify the air naturally. Please find the list of plants which purifies the air naturally:

1) Devil’s Ivy or pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

2) Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix Roebelenii)

3) Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

4) Philodendron

5) Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

6) Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum morifolium)

7) Rubber plants (Ficus elastic)

8) Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata v. Bostoniesis)

9) Areca palms (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

10) Pineapple Plant

11) Dracaena “Janet Craig” (Dracaena Deremensis)

12) Ficus/Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina)

13) Snake Plant/Mother-in-Law’s Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata)

14) Aloe Vera (Aloe vera or A. barbadensis)

15) English ivy (Hedera helix)

16) Flamingo Lily/Fleur (Anthurium andraeanum)

17) Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)

18) Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

19) Kimberly Queen Ferns (Nephrolepis obliterata)

20) Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

21) Tulsi (Holly Basil)

These are few to name. But there are many other plants which helps in purifying the air. It is good to have these plants at home.

These are few pictures from my own garden:

Share your gardening experience in comment box.

Happy Gardening!

See you in my next blog!


  1. Wow it's a good hobby , thank you so much for sharing these indoor plants names for gardening

  2. Nice Rashmi this is really motivating. Have you grown all these ?

    1. Thank You! Yes it is my own little garden 🙂

  3. Thank you Rashmi.. I will give it a try soon ..


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