Kashaya/Kaada - Immunity Booster Drink Recipe!

It is important to be fit and watch out on our health in this kind of pandemic situation. I am sure most of them taking precautionary measures to keep themselves away from any possible infections or virus.

I am sharing a recipe for customized Kashaya which I am having almost every day to build up the immunity. The ingredients that we are going to use is natural and will not have any side effects as the spices used in the drink is use for cooking daily. This also helps with weight loss.

The best thing about this drink is that most of the ingredients are available in the kitchen.

Spice Images

Preparation time: 30 minutes



Cinnamon powder

Cloves powder (Optional)



Tulsi powder / Fresh Tulsi Leaves



Cumin seeds (Optional)


  1. Boil two glasses of hot water in a pot.

Pot of water boiling

2. Add half spoon Cinnamon powder, cloves powder, cumin seeds and tulsi powder/fresh tulsi leaves to the boiling water. If you do not have cinnamon powder and clove powder, you can make powder instantly. It need not be completely powdered. We can put the chunks of it.

Spices of India

3. Smash a small piece of fresh Ginger and 2-3 garlic and add it to boiling water.

3.Boil it until two cups of water become one cup.

Boil water

4. Take ceramic or steel glass. Add one spoon of Honey, half spoon of turmeric powder and squeeze half lemon slice.

Tea with biscuits

5. Mix well before drink it.


1) Do not add honey to hot kashaya. Add it when it becomes warm.

2) Ajwain powder and pepper powder can also be added. Ajwain can help in resolving digestion related issues. 

3) Add 1/4th spoon of turmeric powder in glass of milk and drink it in the night to increase the immunity.

Instructions: We can have this drink once a day.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I learnt this recipe from one of my family members. Try it!

Stay healthy! Stay Safe! 

See you in my next blog.


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