Breaking Gender Stereotypes - Help Vs Contribution - Mutual Understanding!

This write-up is in continuation with my previous one on standing up for ourselves. This is dedicated to all the women out there. I don't want to differentiate it as "working women" and "housewives". Both are equally contributing to their families. Around 30 years ago from now, most of the women were homemakers and mostly were not going out for work. This is one of the reasons why women were primarily responsible for household chores. Men were primarily responsible for earning money for their living. This was the scenario decades ago when our society had still not modernised. But over the period women started working. 

Women working at kitchen in olden days

We started earning money and contributed to the growth of our families. Everything changed but the primary responsibility of taking care of household chores became additional responsibility for women's. This was not the case with men. Their primary responsibility is just to go out for work and when they come back home they expect women to treat them in the same way they were treated decades ago when women were only responsible for working at home. 

Men were always trained to work outside and were not allowed to do housework. Even if they try to work at home they always faced criticism from society. And people start making fun of the person who is trying to contribute in household chores such as cooking, cleaning, getting groceries etc., No matter how much work women does in the office, All it matters is that whether we have finished household chores or not. We undergo tremendous stress and pressure every single day to finish all the work without getting blamed. Society could not remove or could not add household work from/to women's primary list and men's list respectively. As a result, we tend to suppress our feelings and continue to live as per the rules set by our life partners.

Women's gym in olden days

None of us is born good or bad. We can always communicate with our respective life partners and get a possible contribution from them. I would like to term it as CONTRIBUTION and not HELP because responsibility should be equally divided. Men are not doing any favour to us by contributing to housework. We are also contributing economically to the well-being of our family. We don't have to rush towards the kitchen when we reach home from the office with guilt. Even we would have had an equally tiring day! Understanding, love, care, patience and trust is the key for a successful relationship.  

See you in my next blog!


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