All about Work Life Balance!

Maintaining work-life balance is one of the most important things for every individual professional. Be it an Entrepreneur or IT Professional, everybody needs to divide their time for professional and personal life. Time management is the key to everything.

Disclaimer: I am writing this blog with my own experience. It may or may not be suitable for everybody.

Let us start with the activities that we do every day. We manage household chores, kids, and office work. One will be seen doing multitasking most of the time. That is how we can save on time. If we plan and divide the time properly we can achieve everything without having any stress. We start stuffing our stomach, start munching snacks even if it is unwanted, spending more time with electronic devices such as TV, mobile, computer, etc just for timepass whenever we get free time form office or household activity. Now that most of the IT professionals are working from home, they tend to do overtime even if it is not required just for timepass. This is not required. We need to plan and schedule the activities properly to lead a stress-free life.

Promote Your Team's Work-Life Balance

It is important to spend time with family as well. We should not be in front of the computer the whole day as we get free time. We should limit ourselves working for 8-9 hours a day and dedicate the rest of the time for family. We either work 8 hours at a stretch with small breaks or manage household activity along with office work. We tend to spend most of our time with mobile as it gives instant entertainment. This is done with the cost of spending time with spouse and kids. We need to try and avoid doing this.
Join Family

We can very well schedule our day and we can see that we divide our time for household chores, office work, spending time with family and friends. I believe that we should give some time to friends as well. Friends are also an important element in life. We can share a few things only with friends which we cannot share with family. That is the beauty of friendship. Generally, we tend to forget friends once we get married. We get busy with our families and gradually friendship fades away and we lose contact. And then we don't bother to contact them ever again in our life.


We should make it a habit to take off from the office and schedule vacations frequently. We should explore new places and try to rejuvenate ourselves. It is equally important to take a break from the usual routine and do something different. Just start doing it and you will feel the difference. We will be in a better mood and we will be more productive than ever. We can explore new places, watch movies in the theatre, go to resorts, meet friends, visit parks, museums, temples, go on dinner dates, etc. Give new meaning and shape to your relations. Why should one get bored with any kind of relationship as time passes? We can always renew our relationship and try new things that we have never tried together. That is the thrill of life one should explore.

Family Time

Schedule some time for kids as well. We can choose some time from our schedule and make sure we dedicate that time to kids only. We should become kids when we are playing with kids. We cannot match their energy for sure. But instead of being more restrictive, we can try to match up to their level and make them feel happy and comfortable. Cultivate the habit of scheduling physical activity with kids. Activities such as cycling, playing cricket, football, carrom board, chess, mind games, board games, educational games, etc.,

Perfect Work-Life Balance

How about having some fun activity (Happy hours) such as playing music and dancing together for 30 minutes a day. It will help in building a strong relationship and increases happiness. Dancing burns a lot of calories. So it is good for health as well.

It all depends on the mindset and how we plan to lead our life. We can make use of the time that we have and lead a happy life. We should try to share happiness than creating a mess at home. Think hundred times before creating a mess or yelling at home. We will be spoiling the environment of the house by doing so. If all you have the option to choose between creating the mess and creating happiness. We should choose happiness for sure. Creating a mess and yelling at others should be the last option that we should choose if at all it is uncontrollable.

Common Traits

This is what I have about Work-life balance! Please do share your opinion on this.

See you in my next blog. Until then Keep Smiling, Stay safe and stay healthy!


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